Personal Information
Permanent Address
Mailing Address (If Different From Permanent Address)
Primary Language

What is your primary language?


Do you have a valid passport?

Government Mission

Are you currently involved in US government mission?

Background Information

Many of our positions require full-disclosure and partial or non-disclosure is immediate grounds from non-consideration.

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?

Click Here to Add Another Felony Charge.

Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor involving theft, sex, drugs, drug paraphernalia, domestic violence, etc., or serious driving offense such as DWI, Wreckless driving, evading an officer, etc?

Click Here to Add Another Misdemeanor Charge.

Have you ever been on probation or parole?

Have you ever been given a Deferred Adjudication sentence that has not been successfully completed?


Under the Federal Statues, an employer has the right to make reasonable pre-employment inquiries into you ability to perform job-related functions. Many of the job assignments for our employees require strenuous physical labor for sustained periods of time. The information you give below is for the limited purpose for our managers to determine your ability to perform these related functions and to determine reasonable job assignments for you. It will in no way exclude you from any job which you are able to perform. However, failure to complete or including a misleading response will be immediate cause to terminate employment or employment process.


Our Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer. As such, Federal law prohibits discrimination against age, sex, race, color, national origin, veteran status, disability, religion, and other protected categories. All Equal Opportunity Employers are required to maintain the following information to demonstrate compliance with Federal agency regulations. The information is used solely for the purpose of maintaining statistical records, and will in no way be used when assigning jobs for you to perform. The information you give will be kept in a separate confidential file and will be available only to our managers who are charged with keeping such data, and for governmental officials investigating our compliance with Federal statutes. Completion of this section is voluntary.

Personal References

Click Here to Add Another Reference

Extra Information
Current and Prospective Openings

If you meet the listed minimum qualifications for the following positions and are interested in applying, please check the appropriate box below.

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High School

Do you have a high school diploma?


Do you have a GED?

Secondary Schools

Click Here to Add Another Degree

Civilian Experience

Please list the last 10 years of civilian work positions. Please include references and periods of unemployment. If retired from the US Military or Civilian Law Enforcement, list only those positions held since retirement.

Click Here to Add Another Relevant Positions

United States Security Clearance

Do you now or have you ever held a United States Security Clearance?

Have you ever been denied clearance, or had clearance revoked?

Additional Languages

Click Here to Add Another Language

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US Military Service
Are you currently serving in the military?
Are you currently discharged from the military?
Are you retired from military service?
What are/were your primary and alternate military specialities

Click Here to Add Another Speciality


List all positions held in past 5 years.

Click Here to Add Another Position

Foreign Assignments

List all foreign country military assignments,

Click Here to Add Another Assignment

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Law Enforcement
Are you or have you ever been a member of a law enforcement agency?
Law Enforcement Details

Organizations and Positions Held Within the Last 10 Years

Click Here to Add Another Position.

Types of Agencies


Federal Agencies - Please check all that apply


State Agencies - Please check all that apply


Municipal Agencies - Please check all that apply


Municipal Agencies - Please check all that apply

Are you POST/Federally certified as an instructor:
Have you been disciplined, fired, or asked to resign from any job?

Please explain:

Have you ever worked as an instructor outside of the United States (i.e. CIVPOL, ICITAP, etc)?

Click Here to Add Another Program

Investigative Experience
Specialty Fields
Additional Specialities

Please list additional technical certifications or licenses not listed above.

Click Here to Add Another Certification or License

Personal References

Please give the name, address and telephone numbers of three(3) professional references (not listed elsewhere).

Click Here to Add Another Reference

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Goverment Service

Please answer the following questions regarding your time spent as a an employee of the U.S. Government.

Please list the last three jobs held.

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Medical Training

Click Here to Add Another Position.

General Questions

Have you ever been disciplined, sanctioned, or reprimanded
by any medical employer, state medical board, or licensing/certifying body.

Click Here to Add Another Activity

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Other Experience

Bar Admissions

Click Here to Add Another Bar Admission

Have you ever been, by judicial order or Bar Association Action(if yes, please explain):


Has your ability to practice law been interrupted or limited due to(if yes, please explain):


List any paid or unpaid legal positions held:

Other Relevant Positions

Click Here to Add Another Relevant Position

Complete Application